Monday, April 30, 2012
"The ultimate measure a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and conveniance, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy"
My horoscope according to google chrome.
Some new ideas for expanding your horizons on some level could come to you today through an unexpected source, Libra, possibly even dreams or visions. If an idea does come through a dream or flash of insight, don't write it off as crazy. It probably warrants some careful consideration, if nothing else. Some research is definitely called for, and possibly consulting with people in the know. Think about it!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
10 Best Diet Tips - Tips to Lose Weight ( hope it helps)
Grazing between meals used to be on the weight-loss hit list. But nutritionists now know that it's better to satisfy a craving with healthy grub than ignore it and risk a junk-food binge later. The best picks are filling, protein-packed snacks, such as one stick of string cheese, a tablespoon of peanut butter on a piece of fruit, or a medium-size bowl of edamame.
Dining while viewing can make you take in 40 percent more calories than usual, reports a new study. And texting, driving, or any other distracting activity during a meal can also result in your eating too much. Instead, make each meal something you put on a plate and sit down to, even if you're eating solo.
If your regular weight increases several days in a row, it's a red flag letting you know you need to cut back a little or beef up your workouts slightly.
Doing 5 minutes each of push-ups, lunges, and squats (in 30-second intervals) will help build and maintain muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be, so you'll torch more calories as you go about your day.
Next time your mind gets stuck on a certain food, call a friend and redirect your brain by asking how her day's going. Research shows that cravings only last about 5 minutes, so by the time you hang up, the urge to devour junk will have subsided.
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An a.m. meal made up mostly of carbs and protein with some fat keeps blood-sugar levels steady and hunger pangs away so you're not susceptible to pigging out come lunch, studies show. Opt for something satisfying for your stomach and taste buds — like egg whites and turkey bacon with whole-wheat toast.
One innocent-looking margarita or cosmopolitan can rack up hundreds of calories that do nothing to quench your appetite. Treat yourself just on the weekends and cut back somewhere else or stick to a glass of wine, light beer, or vodka and soda — three drinks that each have about 100 calories per serving.
Fruit has no fat and is mostly water, so it'll fill you up while leaving less room on your plate (and in your stomach) for high-cal fare. Don't freak about fruit's carb count — we're talking the good kind of carbohydrates that contain lots of healthy fiber.
Getting to bed just 30 minutes earlier and waking up 30 minutes later than you normally do can help you make better food choices, researchers report. Also, when you're well-rested, you're less prone to snacking out of fatigue or stress.
When you feel your willpower breaking, conjure up a mental picture of yourself when you looked and felt slim. The visual motivation keeps you focused on your goal weight and reminds you that it is attainable, since you've achieved it before.
1. Men would rather feel unloved than inadequate and disrespected.
Husbands need to know that their wives respect them both privately and publicly. Men thrive when they know that their wives trust them, admire them and believe in them. Shaunti Feldhahn's research indicated that men would rather sense the loss of loving feelings from their wives than to be disrespected by them.
2. A man's anger is often a response to feeling disrespected by his wife.
When a husband becomes angry with his wife, he may not come out and say, "You're disrespecting me!" But, there is a good likelihood that he is feeling stung by something his wife has done which he considers disrespectful and humiliating.
3. Men are insecure.
Men are afraid that they aren't cutting it in life -- not just at work, but at home, in their role as a husband. They may never vocalize this, but inwardly, they are secretly vulnerable. The antidote? Affirmation. To men, affirmation from their wives is everything! If they don't receive this affirmation from their wives, they'll seek it elsewhere. When they receive regular and genuine affirmation from their wives (not flattery, by the way), they become much more secure and confident in all areas of their lives.
4. Men feel the burden of being the provider for their family.
Intellectually, it doesn't matter how much or little a man makes, or whether or not his wife makes more or less money in her career. Men simply bear the emotional burden of providing for their family. It's not a burden they've chosen to bear. Men are simply wired with this burden. As such, it is never far from their minds and can result in the feeling of being trapped. While wives cannot release their husbands from this burden, they can relieve it through a healthy dose of appreciation, encouragement and support.
5. Men want more sex.
Everyone's natural response to this is probably, "Duh!" But, that response is probably for the wrong reason. We primarily assume that men want more sex with their wives due to their physical wiring (their "needs"). But, surprisingly, Shaunti Feldhahn's research showed that the reason men want more sex is because of their strong need to be desired by their wives. Men simply need to be wanted. Regular, fulfilling sex is critical to a man's sense of feeling loved and desired.
6. Sex means more than sex.
6. Sex means more than sex.
When men feel their wives desire them sexually, it has a profound effect on the rest of their lives. It gives them an increasing sense of confidence and well-being that carries over into every other area of his life. The flipside of this coin also carries a profoundly negative affect. When a husband feels rejected sexually, he not only feels his wife is rejecting him physically, but that she is somehow rejecting his life as a husband, provider and man. This is why making sex a priority in marriage is so incredibly important!
7. Men struggle with visual temptation.
This means the vast majority of men respond to visual images when it comes to women. And, this doesn't just mean the guys with wandering eyes. Even the most godly husband cannot avoid noticing a woman who dresses in a way that draws attention to her body. Even if it is just a glance, these visual images are stored away in the male brain as a sort of "visual rolodex"; that will reappear without any warning. Men can choose whether to dwell on these images and memories or dismiss them, but they can't control when these images appear.
8. Men enjoy romance, but doubt their skills to be romantic.
True, many men appear to be unromantic clods, but it doesn't mean that they want to be that way! Men want to be romantic, but they just doubt their ability to pull it off. They are plagued by internal hesitations, perceiving the risk of humiliation and failure as too high. Wives can do a great deal to increase their husbands' confidence in their romantic skills through encouragement and redefining what romance looks like. For example, a wife may balk when her husband asks her to go along to the hardware store, but it's likely that he's asking because he sees it as a time they can get away as a couple and hang out together. What's not romantic about that?
9. Men care about their wife's appearance.
This isn't saying that all men want their wives to look like the latest supermodel. What men really want is to know that their wives are making an effort to take care of themselves (and not letting themselves go) because it matters to them (the husbands!). Husbands appreciate the efforts their wives make to maintain their attractiveness.
10. Men want their wives to know how much they love them.
This was the number one response of men. Men aren't confident in their ability to express this, but they love their wives dearly. Men want to show how much they love their wives and long for them to understand this fact.
MEET MONBEAR (monkey+bear)
This was given to me by Mike and honestly its one the best gift i have ever receive . its a 4 feet tall monkey how cool is that i sleep tiy this every night . it's so confortable . GOT TO LOVE IT
my little twinnie . this doll was given to me about 5 years ago . I've had it all this time and i get a different hairstyle i makes sure i give her the same hairstyle. lol call me crazy but shes my twinie <3
With all of the hardship . i always remember where i came from
Conakry, Guinea – Report on activities of DREAM centre
In recent weeks, the DREAM centre of Conakry has seen a considerable growth in the number of its patients. The good news that the centre exists has started to spread across this poor and tough city. A city wholly built along a rocky ridge that juts right out until the sea, where settlements of shacks and huts have amassed in a haphazard fashion as hundreds of thousands people moved towards the capital (an imposed choice because the land all around is no longer rocky but marshy). An enormously long city, whose last neighbourhood is significantly called km36. | |
The recent increase is especially evident in the number of pregnant women. Some agreements with maternity clinics in Conakry have paved the way for the referral to the DREAM centre of pregnant women who test positive for HIV, so that they will be able to start prevention of vertical transmission of AIDS as soon as possible. Some doctors and nurses of the Guinean army recently started, in the premises of the DREAM centre itself, to undergo a formation course and also to do practical placements, in view of the opening of a service providing antiretroviral treatment in military hospitals of the capital. | |
This is a mark of the hope that the institution vests in DREAM, but it is also, for DREAM, an expression of the desire to contribute to and to accompany the pacification and social and economic rebuilding process which the country is facing, after having overcome the crisis and tensions of the first months of the year. The Guinean people are a people who have suffered much. However, beyond the poverty and degradation enveloping the lives of most of the people, beyond the lack of infrastructures, means and opportunities, in the crooked alleyways that separate the thousands of shacks which practically make up the entire city, in the chaos of the embouteillages that paralyse the streets from Monday to Friday, the people of Conakry anyhow live with exceptional grace and composure, and with the desire to build a new society. The willingness to work to improve the situation of the country may be discerned in many. | |
Guinea has had a difficult history. But every history can find its turning point. DREAM has never contemplated surrendering in the face of difficulties nor has it ever believed that are limitations are invincible, be they cultural or environmental. The programme wants to make an ever deeper impact on the lives of those people who have entrusted themselves to its services, to make their lives less difficult, less weighed down by the burdens posed by an inhuman background. DREAM wants to be a stable point of reference which many men, women and children who desire a different future, may look to. It was in this scenario that health education and nutrition activities undertaken at the centre were recently intensified. |
:) Call it whatever you want
i will always remember the good times. although i choose to not deal with the person u are now. I thank you for the good time
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