Saturday, March 3, 2012

AY YAAAY YAAAY your killing me people

No matter how much you explain, people have this weird misconception about California. here is my personal list of  10 misconceptions that you might agree with or not,but its  just for laughs  :)
1) people always assume that we all walk around in bikinis all day like we are all size 4's and under
2) That we all love the beach and wear fedora
3) That we all are surfers
3) T hat we love sushi
4) That we see celebs by the min ( as if  brad Pitt leaves next door)
5) That were all trying to be Hollywood acters
6) That we all super chill layback people
7) That we all own convertible cars and when were driving our hairs blow in the air
8)That we all play golf
9) That girls always " like oh my gosh " in everything they say
10) That guys always say "Totally duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud" after every word lol
I  hope you enjoyed reading my 10 misconceptioms abt sure i missed alot so feel free to add on . peace and love <3

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