Saturday, March 3, 2012

Life in america

Last night i went out with my cousin to pink taco. it was my first time there.Now  for those of you  that have never been there, your first thought would probably be " ooooo the tacos are are actually pink  cooool" but slooooow you row  because to my surprise their no pink taco and as weird as i may sound i was kind of  bothered by that because i thought eating a pink taco would be pretty cool. Anyways let me get to the good stuff, first off the service was mediocre  ( again this my opinion only not fact)we waited  on the bench  right across from the front desk for a  good 35 min . The place was loud which some people might like but i like to eat my food quietly not blasting club music behind me .When  we finally got to seat we were a total of 14 people  and maaaaaaaaaaan the menu was expensive well at least for myself and the people i was with's budget. one  steak dinner was 24 dollar ,A plate of quesadillas was 16 dollars and   a plate of 3 tacos served with rice and beans was 17 dollars . The prices were ridiculous for the amount of  food you got, even my cousin A.b made a joke about it when the waiter came over to take our order , he said "EXCUSE ME !!! R THE NUMBERS NEXT TO THE FOOD THE CALORIES  BCZ THIS IS SOME HEALTHY FOOD and we busted out laughing.Overall we took a bunch of picz  ate and had a great time.i don't think ill go to pink taco's anytime soon but in the future i would definitively visit again thought the food is a little expensive it was DEEEEELIOUS ;)

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